im making another post, why?
cause im so bored.
well, not really. im sure i have 20 million other things i could be doing now, but i just finished a little photo session. also i made a pure volume, mainly to put some music on here, its so boring without it. yet after i signed up, added music to my music player...i look for the HTML code, and there is none, what kind of fuckery is going on here?
has anybody had this problem before? help?
anyways i got some new journals at Urban Outfitters today, three for ten dollars, that is a total once in a lifetime deal at Urban. now i realise why im always broke, the stores i shop at uber overprice, ah. ohh well i think ill live. crap, i was going to work out today. im so lazy its unreal, you have no idea..or maybe its cause i have major ADD.
my friend, Caroline, and i are going to write a book of random wall-to- walls on facebook. it will be a top seller i can tell, who wouldnt read a book like that? i'll have to paste some up here sometime, yea boii :D
i think im getting better at taking pictures, not gunna lie:

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