im back from California..
time goes by so fast...over packing thy suitcase, being on a plane with a tour group of 12 year olds (for the second time), staying at my dead grandfather house, shopping almost everyday, and no tan. I believe this vacation was a success in my book. time does go by so fast...
i have four days until school starts back up again, and homework in almost every class. i hate high school, and aim mail, ohh and uggs more like "ughhs!", ahaha, no. i have a headache from the rain, it was raining in California and now it's fucking raining here, wtf?
Speaking of California, i have fallen in love with the giant culture club of a state. Huntington Beach, is my future home,or San Frann? i dont know. right now my life is in a standstill, i have been offered the chance to move to southern California, but fell like this is not the right time, or maybe i'm happy here? i dont know. whatevaa!
on a more decisive note, im really happy about the free iTunes song of the week. im listening to it right now, its a mix of blues and pop- indie rock, a perfect mix to me:) im also obsessed with the red/brown/purple hair color, must have, now.

finally driving! :D
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