september, 19 2009
"All those bands [on the Warped Tour] have this very specific look and sound and style. It's like the new hair metal or something. There are like 10 different rules about how you write a song, and what everything sounds like and looks like. I'd like to imagine that we're very much the opposite of that. It'll be interesting for us to go in there and just try to put on a really awesome live show, maybe turn some people on to our music that wouldn't have listened to us or liked us before." - Jemina Pearl of Be Your Own Pet.
Thank god, someone finally said something. These days in the music business have gone down hill. Every band sounds the same, and their all trying to be alike eachother. I swear I think their is a producer who is trying to make all bands sound alike. It's like a new wave of Backstreet Boys with sidebangs,or the 80s and hair metal. Where is the originality? Almost every song I heard is the same: beats,lyrics,gutiar,hell..even drums. The lryics (most) are total crap I don't want to hear about some chick who sleep with you,then your borther,then your cousin or how it's nine in the afternoon. I want meaning full lyics, that means that the words have a point to them.
Style, well is always nice to have new clothes and be "in the know" but really people come on. I see the same hair, jeans,merch,sunglasses, and those headbands(which only work sometimes, with an outfit.) These days if you don't have style then your not getting signed. The media have taken over the music bussiness, and too many bands are selling out. I hope when your living in the your second house and driving that hummer you'll look back and see this is not what you wanted when you started a band.
I hope I didn't offened too many, this is just my opinion everyone has their own.
ahaha, i wrote this a year ago for buzznet. i am fucking rad as shittt. ahaha again.